Welcome! The Upper Room Fellowship is a "Spirit-filled" Catholic charismatic group meeting every other week at St.. Charles in Arlington, VA; at 7:30 p.m., that regularly challenges and encourages one another to grow in love of God and others.
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St. Charles is located at 3304 Washington Blvd, Arlington, VA 22201; (703) 527-5500
Enter to the right of the church, through the glass doors. The far right door may be the one unlocked. Go upstairs and take a left to the Upper Room (located on the right side of the church).
Visit the Full St. Charles church calendar
What Happens at a Fellowship Meeting?
The structure is flexible, but typically the meeting includes uplifting praise and worship music, which transitions into a time where we listen more intently to the Lord in our hearts. The meeting may also include any combination of the following: a brief talk, sharings from particpants, a time for intercessory prayer, and opportunities to be prayed with for spiritual and physical needs. The meeting lasts just over an hour, before and after which many members take advantage of the rich Fellowship.
What Should I Do at the Meeting?
Enjoy it! The Lord is available to you in a special way through the sharings and through the good-natured company.
The most important thing to do is to focus on God during the worship, clearing mental distractions, so that we can give Him the best opportunity connect with us.
When we make ourselves available there often comes a time when the praise will take on a new character, becoming more God and less us. (Of course, successful prayer occurs any time we turn our hearts to God regardless of what we experience, but God often desires to give us the experience of His presence as a gift.)
New to all this? Come out for a visit! Taste and see.
I long to minister to My saints for it is only when you are filled by Me that you are at all ready to face the daily battle set before you. My ministering equips you with peace, strength, endurance, and the will to carry on in circumstances where you would otherwise fall. Know that My Spirit must go before you in any area that I have called you to be My agent. Seek My rest, let go and allow Me to have My way in you.
You, as saints, are worthy vessels created to carry out My work on earth. Never doubt My power in you. Remember, you are merely the agent, the venue of a great work begun in Heaven to carry and release into My created world. Understand you can do anything I call you do for it is not a matter of being able as it is your desire to serve My purposes. When you’re willing, I am always ready and able.
Come away and spend time with Me, hear My voice, see what it is I am calling you to. "Understand what the will of the Lord is." Let Me heal you and strengthen you so you can be with Me, so you can hear the sound of My voice that will guide you into battle. Let Me minister to you—I will bring you what you need to heed My call, be it healing, sustenance, or the peace of mind to trust Me. Out of our being one will come your doing, a doing that will shine My light and fulfill what I intend for it to accomplish.